Friday, September 26, 2014

My Plan!

Hey Everybody!
I know that I haven't posted but don't worry I am not going to stop posting on this blog. I have just been very busy with starting French this year and taking the Advanced Math program at my school and the Advanced Language Arts program.The good news is that my birthday is coming up soon! Well sort of???
November 16th!

I know that my original plan was to get the My Girl's Dollhouse.

But it is wayyyyyy too big for my house.
So we are going to build a dollhouse inside my closet. I will post some pictures when we get started.

So, here is my new plan:

1. Ask for mostly American Girl gift cards for my birthday.

2. Ask for mostly American Girl gift cards for Christmas.

3. Go to AGP for GOTY 2015's release and get her and many of her accessories and furniture. 


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