Saturday, October 25, 2014

More News About Goty 2015!

Hey Everybody!
I haven't had much time to post lately but most of my posts won't be pictures because I don't have time to upload! Sorry! I have decided to do a rumor post since my last one was my most POPULAR POST EVER!!!! 

First of all, on the website The author claims to know the names of the first three books. I am not sure if this is 100 percent true but her are the titles:

1: Grace
2: Grace Stirs It Up
3: Grace Makes It Great

More rumors will be out later!


  1. Hmm, I wonder if that is true. I know that there have been rumors of a 1950's doll Grace; maybe she really is just GOTY 2015! Thanks for the info!!

    1. I wonder if it is true too. There wasn't really much evidence on the blog so I don't know. At first, I thought Grace was the new historical and now I am convinced that she is GOTY 2015!

  2. I nominated you for the Blogger Recognition Award!

    Check out my post here:

  3. So the question is, who is the new historical?!

    1. I am wondering that to??? I guess we will have to wait till she is hopefully released.


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