Monday, April 14, 2014

Easter Fun!

Hey Everybody! We are so excited for Easter that we have started dying eggs. Want to see what we are up to?
Hey Guys, It's Savannah here. Isabelle and I have been busy for the last couple weeks getting ready for Easter. We have lots of eggs to dye and we are going to have an Easter egg hunt.

It's so much fun to dye Easter eggs but it can get a little messy at times. Right now I am borrowing Isabelle's clothes so I have to be very careful.

I always use this when putting eggs in the dye so I don't make a mess. Well, I've got to go dye some eggs.

More Easter Fun Coming Soon!



  1. Super cool Easter post! Do you mind if I feature it in my Easter week series?

  2. Sure. That would be great :)

    1. Ok, thank you! If you want to see it, it will be up tomorrow.


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