Here is the group picture of the new historical line up. Julie, Samantha, Kit, Josefina, Addy, Rebecca, Caroline, and Kaya.
This blue dress does wonders for Addy! I love it!
This lighter blue looks stunning on Caroline! If I ever get Caroline this item will definitely be on my wish list.
There is something I really like about this purple coat on Julie but I'm not a big fan of the yellow shoes. Julie is definitely growing on me.
I seriously might get this for Kit! One Word: ADORABLE!
I also love this for Kit!
Okay! I think I like basically all Kit's new outfits!
This is cute! Again, I love the blues!
Rebecca's new meet outfit is better than the old one in my opinion!
There is something I really like about this!
And this!
Caroline's Table and Treats ~ Julie's Egg Chair Set ~ Rebecca's Director Set ~ Samantha's Ice Cream Parlor
Samantha's Bed and Bedding ~ Samantha's Bicycle
Addy's Accessories ~ Julie's Accessories ~ Julie's Snack Set ~ Kaya's Pow-Wow Hair Set of Today
Kit's Accessories ~ Kits Typewriter Set ~ Rebecca's Accessories ~ Rebecca's Teatime Traditions
Samantha's Hairstyling Set ~ Samantha's Accessories ~ Samantha's Dog, Jip, ~Samantha's Bedtime Accessories
Samantha's Holiday Set
I hope you enjoyed!